Freelance Writers: Want to Make More Money Writing Online?

Are you tired of writing for pennies?

Wondering if that job ad is really a scam?

Good pay is out there.

Learn how to find and connect with great-paying online writing markets from two pros!

Coming May 24

A Live, One-Hour Webinar Event

2 pm PST/5 EST
Presented by Carol Tice of Make a Living Writing
Angie Atkinson of The WM Freelance Writers Connection


Why are we putting on this event?

"Because when writers tell me they’re only making $10 an article, it makes me want to throw up." ~Carol Tice

"Because I believe writers deserve to be paid what they're worth." ~Angela Atkinson

It’s not right. Writers deserve fair pay. In this Webinar, we're going to teach you how to leave the online sweatshops behind and move up to better-paying online writing jobs.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to spot scams and low-paying job ads
  • Creative ways to use the job ads to find hidden gigs
  • The dirty secrets content mills don’t want you to know
  • Strategies for finding better-quality job ads
  • Ways to get real pay on bidding sites
  • How to pitch yourself and get prospects to choose you for the gig
  • Online and offline marketing techniques to find great clients

What you get:

  • Your questions about online writing work answered personally by two experienced pros
  • A link to the Webinar recording, with both full presentation and audio-only versions, so you can go back and study it in depth if you like.
  • A free PDF report of the material we covered, with links to more useful resources — no need to take notes!
  • A VOIP broadcast — listen and participate from anywhere in the world through your computer speakers.

Learn from the pros

Carol Tice has more than a decade of freelance-writing experience. Since returning to freelancing in 2005, she has earned more every year, straight through the downturn. She has written for online markets that pay as much as $300 a blog post and $2,000 an article.

And me, Angie Atkinson. I'm one of the co-founders of the WM Freelance Writers Connection. I've been a full-time freelance writer since 2005, and I've more than tripled my income in the last two years. In addition to my responsibilities with The WM Network, I'm currently working with several corporate clients and actively freelancing for AOL’s

No hype.

No get-rich-quick schemes.

Just practical tips for growing your online writing income — now.

The advice you asked for

When Carol and I put on our teleclass, The Insider’s Guide to Online Writing Success a couple of months ago, many writers shared their struggles with trying to find good pay online. We heard your confusion about how to identify good-paying markets, pitch them, and successfully get the gig.

In the past few weeks we’ve been reaching out to learn more. We’ve heard your most urgent questions about finding great online writing gigs. You told us your biggest problems, and we listened closely.

Then, we designed this course to deliver exactly what you need to know to start finding good pay online.

Do YOU have questions about this event? Please feel free to email me at I’d be happy to have your input.

Pay a little, get a lot

You could spend years trying to figure out the freelance writing game — while you starve or have to work a day job to support your writing dream. Or you can invest a small amount in your career and move forward right away.

For less than the price of a decent dinner out, you can learn to avoid the scams and find good-paying online writing markets. With the economy recovering, there’s more online writing opportunities at better pay than there’s been in years, so now is the ideal time to get this information and put it to use.

If you’ve been wondering where the great-paying online writing gigs are hiding, find out — live — in this one-time, interactive course.
