Got Negativity? Check this...

Do you have a friend or family member who is perpetually negative? Need some help figuring out how to handle all that? Check out my latest article How to Deal with Negative People, Backhanded Compliments, and Veiled Insults:Tips for Staying Positive in the Face of Negativity.

This particular article started out as a blog entry on my personal blog, In Pursuit of Fulfillment. In this blog, I cover all sorts of topics that will help you work toward personal empowerment and development. Check it out!


  1. Angie, I loved what you wrote about preventing yourself from internalizing the negativity! It's dead-on! "When something or someone threatens to poke holes in your happiness bubble, recite a mantra in your head, and simply know that you will deal with it in the best way possible." I have someone like that in my life, so this article will really help me! Thank you!

  2. Hey Angie

    The negativity that surrounds is only a small portion of us. Those that choose to live in this bubble will stay in this bubble it's up to us to live outside the bubble and if we want maybe just maybe we can get the negative out and bring some positive in. You know that old saying "Misery loves company" well we don't have to fall into it. WE make choices to either be negative or be happy i choose happy. So should everyone else but a good mantra always helps and a back door to get out is also nice.

    Cheers JB


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